It’s common to have questions about psychotherapy. Please feel free to call and I will be happy to discuss your individual needs and answer any questions you might have. Initial phone consultations are complimentary. I return most calls within one business day, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Phone: (216) 283-6852
If you are having a life threatening emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Office Location

21403 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 245, Beachwood, Ohio. My office is located at the corner of Chagrin Blvd and Belvoir Road, directly across from Gali’s Plant Nursery. Belvoir Road runs between Green Road and Warrensville Center Road, 1.5 miles west of I-271.
Waiting Room. My office (Suite 245) shares the waiting room with the office next door (Suite 210). When you arrive for your appointment, please use the Suite 210 waiting room.